
You probably have it all figured out, right? Like your the type that believes that if you act right then that just might make you righteous in God’s sightYou’ve been a really good person, you followed the good book as much as you could, you probably didn’t go to church as much as you should,Continue reading “Misconception…”

Newtons First law of Motion.

A lot of science students already know this, a lot still still don’t know this. However, it States “Every object continues in its state of rest or uniform motion in a straight line unless acted upon by an impressed force” Basically meaning that nothing happens till you make it happen. Think of it this way;Continue reading “Newtons First law of Motion.”

The Karaethon Cycle: The Prophecies of the Dragon

And it shall come to pass that what men made shall be shattered, and the Shadow shall lie across the Pattern of the Age, and the Dark One shall once more lay his hand upon the world of man. Women shall weep and men quail as the nations of the earth are rent like rotting cloth.Neither shall anything stand or abide… The ShadowContinue reading “The Karaethon Cycle: The Prophecies of the Dragon”